Tuesday, January 18, 2011


i was never one to dream
i would be the type of person to stay up all night so i wouldn't fall into dream land
i like it fine in wonderland :l
sure i love sleep
i love my self a good long power nap in the afternoon ,when the sun warms my body as i lay comfortably in a soft field of grass.
but sleep....
sleeping more then 2 hr is dangerous for me @,@
no, not for my weary health
no ,not because im scared i might never wake up :l

i wish not to dream these horrid dreams
but alas i can not choose when i will have a nice dream,
one where i find my self in bliss not wanting to wake up
but wen i do , i find my self to b lucky i didn't find my self in the land of dreams
i haven't had a dream like that in the longest

the land of dreams is a dark, hazy territory
in this place it seams i am not welcomed
i am not liked

for when i drift in to the land of dreams
i have horrible nightmares
horrible visions of my former life's
i envision things that i my self have not gone threw but it seams my soul has
i have seen my self in the point of death many times in those nightmares, what some may call dreams

i have been in a gas chamber gassed to death along side my mother and many other dark haired women.
i have been hunted and drowned in a dark murky lake
i've been left to b slaughtered
i have been hunted by a man in a room wer a bathtub full of blood flows.
i have been molested
i have been raped
i have been kidnapped
this is what happens in the end of dreams
i c my death coming
i never experience it

where i, the inhabitant of wonderland, am not welcomed.

so you see i try my best not to be caught in the webs of the Land of Dream

so when i pass out
when i black out
when i have my attacks and faint
im trapped
im trapped in the Land of Dreams
sometimes im able to go directly in to wonderland
but im stuck in between the land of dreams and wonderland.
i stand on the border line of life and death

some one once told me.."life is but a dream"
will we ever wake up?
"im late im late im terribly late for tea~"- whiterabbit

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