Saturday, October 30, 2010


i once fell in love with a boy who always smelld of sunflowers
we meet by chance in mid summer
i had wounderd into the deps of wounderland
in the woods of lost souls
he found me under the thick stem of a sunflower
he was like the sun
wen he aperd infrunt of me i had to sqwent to look up at him
he sat down infront of me. He looked me strait in the eyes and said "have u been forgoten little one? is that what goes on in ur head?"
i remember little of what he looked like. i hardly remember the exact date of wen he rescued me. i have long forgoten his name. but this boy , my first love saved me from more then being lost that day.

i remeber r second incounter
i was left alone for to long and had wounderd into wounderland by chance again
he spoted me and asked me what made me come this way
i closed my eyes ran in a ranome location spunaround and aound and wabled back to him
i remember saying "its ur smell. it reminds me of the big flower shaped like the sun."
he told me to close my eyes, that he would take me to his secret location
some wher in wounderland wer the sun would always b
he broughtg me to a fied of sunflowers overlooking all of wounderland it looked so bright and natury, but to me he was my sun making everything bright.

in our 3rd incounter he dance with me in the feild and we sang songs and laughed till sundown
wen my sun went away he never came back the next day
it rained and rained and i was stuck inside
i hured news that my sun had died that previus night
a snake had bitten him as he waited in the fields
with the nearest hospital being 3hr away he had no chance an older hair told me later that day

my first love was like a sunnyday.

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